Home Page
'Education: an adventure to be enjoyed'
Welcome to the CAN Schools Federation. We are two well-established, teacher-led nursery schools supporting children and families in Derby.
  • There are no events for the next 10 weeks.
More Dates
Opening Times and Session Costs
Opening Times:8.00am - 6.00pm (parents can drop off from 7.30am - additional charge applies)
Session Costs:£6.50 to £7.00 per hour booked within our published session times

Vision and Aims

Our Vision


At Central Community and Ashgate Nursery Schools’ Federation, we will be schools where:

  • Happiness, resilience and well-being are at the heart of all our activities and endeavours.

  • All individuals become confident, curious learners who enjoy challenge.

  • Our schools are a collaborative learning community based on research and enquiry that welcomes and values everyone's contribution.

  • The natural environment underpins our passion and desire for early education.

  • We inspire all to excel today and in the future.


Our Aims

  • To ensure every child is respected and valued for their contribution.

  • To provide an environment bursting with opportunities for imaginative and creative journeys.

  • To be inclusive and supportive for all children and families, building positive relationships in a welcoming and friendly environment.

  • To build a passion for learning and develop enquiring minds.

  • To use our beautiful gardens for all season, all weather play and exploration.

  • To respect and care for each other, the natural world and our environment.
  • To enable each individual with their unique personality to reach their full potential.


“Education: an adventure to be enjoyed”


New baby room opening in September. Please get in touch to find out more and book a place.