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'Education: an adventure to be enjoyed'
Welcome to the CAN Schools Federation. We are two well-established, teacher-led nursery schools supporting children and families in Derby.
  • There are no events for the next 10 weeks.
More Dates
Opening Times and Session Costs
Opening Times:8.00am - 6.00pm (parents can drop off from 7.30am - additional charge applies)
Session Costs:£6.50 to £7.00 per hour booked within our published session times

Data Protection

Data Protection and the General Data Protection Regulation 2018

The previous Data Protection Act 1998 has been replaced with the Data Protection Act 2018.


Central and Ashgate Nursery Schools Federation is required to keep and process certain information about its staff members and pupils in accordance with its legal obligations under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and DPA 2017-18


The school may, from time to time, be required to share personal information about its staff or pupils with other organisations, mainly the LA, other schools and educational bodies, and potentially social services.


This policy is in place to ensure all staff and governors are aware of their responsibilities and outlines how the school complies with the following key principles of the GDPR:


  • Lawfulness, transparency and fairness.
  • Collect data for a specific purpose and use it for that purpose
  • Limited collection
  • Accuracy
  • Retention
  • Security

Key Worker Information


In order to comply with the Government’s guidance with regard to shutting schools and providing places for key worker children, it is necessary for us to collect and manage data about these children and their parents/carers in a different way.

Our standard GDPR policy applies, and information found on our privacy notices relating to staff, parents and of course pupils will apply in all cases.

We will use the information that relates to key workers in order to ensure that those children who are entitled to a place at school whilst schools are officially closed are correctly processed, managed and safeguarded.

The Data Controller continues to take its obligations to data processing seriously and will ensure that appropriate safeguards and measures are in place.

What is the point of the GDPR?

The GDPR and new DPA exist to look after individual’s data. It is a series of safeguards for every individual. Information about individuals needs to be treated with respect and be secure.

The GDPR exists to protect individual rights in an increasingly digital world.

For more information please click here to access school policies, including the schools' Data Protection Policy

Who do we share pupil information with?

  • schools that pupils attend after leaving us
  • other settings that pupils attend whilst they are attending our schools
  • our local authority
  • the Department for Education

If necessary, and if the law requires us to do so, we will share information with the following

  • the nhs
  • social services
  • the police

What systems do we use to store and process data?

  • School computers

  • Information Management System - RM Integris

  • Funding Portal - Families Information Service

  • Observation app - Tapestry

  • Secure Online Payment System - Scopay

  • Assessment software - Classroom Monitor

  • Secure email - Egress Switch

Data Protection Policies

These can be found on our Policies page

Privacy Notices

The school has privacy notices for pupils and staff.

Data Protection Officer

DPO - Brenda Whittaker; Email address:

New baby room opening in September. Please get in touch to find out more and book a place.