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'Education: an adventure to be enjoyed'
Welcome to the CAN Schools Federation. We are two well-established, teacher-led nursery schools supporting children and families in Derby.
  • There are no events for the next 10 weeks.
More Dates
Opening Times and Session Costs
Opening Times:8.00am - 6.00pm (parents can drop off from 7.30am - additional charge applies)
Session Costs:£6.50 to £7.00 per hour booked within our published session times


Welcome to our Governors’ section

Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.

Contacting the Governing Body


You can contact the governing body via Claire Spink, Clerk to the Governors at


Or the Chair of Governors on


NameRoleGovernor Type
Mrs Helen FearnHead teacher 
Mrs Christine MerrickChair, Chair of Standards CommitteeLocal Authority
Mrs Sam Molloy Co-opted
Vacancy Co-opted
Dr John Gogarty Co-opted
Vacancy Parent (Ashgate)
Mr Andrew GilmourChair of Finance CommitteeCo-opted
Ms Brenda WhittakerVice-ChairCo-opted
Miss Jessica Freeman Parent (Central)
Ms Helen Watson Staff
Mrs Claire Spink 

Clerk to the Governors



Co-opted governors are appointed by the governors

Parent governors are appointed by the parents

Governors contribute to the work of the governing body in ensuring high standards of achievement for all children in the school.  They do this by:

i. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction

ii. Holding school leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils

iii. Holding school leaders to account for the performance management of its staff

iv. Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and ensuring and making sure its money is well spent


For more information please visit the National Governors Association website


Who's Who


There are two committees of governors which support the work of the governing body.


Standards and Curriculum

Responsible for the schools' curriculum, including Special Needs provision

To recommend the schools' self evaluation

To recommend the Schools' Improvement Plan and targets for monitoring

To develop and review and policies relating to standards and curriculum


Finance, Resources and Premises

To monitor the financial sustainability of the schools

To write a five year budget plan for approval by the full governors

To provide support on all matters relating to the school premises

To ensure that the schools and the governing body comply with relevant Health and Safety legislation and responsibilities


New baby room opening in September. Please get in touch to find out more and book a place.