Personal Development
At Central and Ashgate Nursery Schools’ Federation, happiness, resilience and well-being are at the heart of all our activities and endeavours. Our ethos welcomes and values everyone's contribution, ensuring everyone has equal opportunity to take part in the curriculum whilst also enabling children and staff to develop their own passions. Our aim is to support everyone to be responsible and respectful citizens, who can recognise their own and others’ positive qualities. All individuals become confident, curious learners who enjoy challenge. Through our curriculum and the wider opportunities we provide, we inspire all to excel today and in the future. Children’s time with us helps them to develop the skills and knowledge to prepare for a life of continued learning and to aspire to achieve their dreams.
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Central and Ashgate Nursery Schools’ Federation has a strong emphasis on children’s emotional well-being and positive relationships. Children’s emotional well-being is nurtured through positive interactions with staff and with each other. Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED), including sharing, turn taking, behaviour and self-control, developing confidence, expressing feelings and respectful relationships is promoted through the daily routine and in Together Times. Children have opportunities to express themselves in a variety of ways, for example, through music, drawing, imaginative play and singing. Our role play area is continually used as a tool for personal and emotional development and representing their experiences. Resources are accessible, so children can take things out and put them away independently. Our ethos supports children on their journey to having a healthy lifestyle. Children have plenty of choice at snack time and are given opportunities to learn where our food comes from and ways to turn raw ingredients into a range of snacks and meals for ourselves and our animals.
We help children make a positive contribution by listening to them and taking account of their views encouraging them to share their experiences, make choices and decisions. Staff introduce new language and model confident, clear speech alongside listening skills. We encourage children to take responsibility, for example in helping to tidy up, supporting understanding of democracy by voting to choose stories and songs. There are high expectations for children’s behaviour, which staff model to provide consistency in approach. Children celebrate and value the beliefs and cultures of other children within and beyond the nursery through discussion and activities. Staff model positive values in relation to British Values and children are encouraged to be sensitive to the needs of others. Our Forest and Farm School ethos supports children to take on new challenges and experiences, planned by our skilled staff, this in turn develops their resilience, independence and perseverance. Our nurseries free flow into great outdoor spaces. This supports children’s individual liberty and being physically active, enabling them to develop independence with dressing and choosing where they want to learn.
Children participate in small group time within a session to gain a sense of belonging. Children are helped to feel secure in their surroundings through routine and a visual timetable. They are supported in managing transitions from home to nursery, nursery to school and settling in after a period of absence. Our time in the local community supports children’s understanding of their place in our nursery and beyond.
Staff are role models of expected behaviour and attitudes and practise positive behaviour management strategies. Some of our core books are chosen for the themes of feelings and emotions contained within them. Children are given clear and consistent age appropriate boundaries and treated with unconditional positive regard. This builds each child’s self-esteem and positive self-image, seeing themselves as capable, responsible children who are equipped to rise to challenges, making thoughtful decisions.
The Intended Impact:
- Children who feel safe, secure and supported in their environment.
- Children who can make and maintain positive relationships.
- Children who are concerned about the welfare and safety of themselves and others.
- Children who are proud of their achievements and the ways in which they tackle challenges.
- Children who feel comfortable to express their thoughts and feelings.
- Children who are developing an awareness and acceptance of differences.
- Children that are active in their community.
- Children who are responsible in how they act as members of our community.
- Children who are developing an ability to recognise and in turn regulate their emotions.